Vehicle Service Contracts

Keep Your Customers on the Road.

A vehicle service contract covers the repair costs due to a unexpected mechanical breakdown.

Revenue + Satisfaction

As a dealership, you can generate additional revenue while providing breakdown protection to your customers via Vehicle Service Contracts.

Preferred Dealer Solutions helps you increase customer satisfaction and keep customers on the road while generating additional backend profits for your dealership.
Vehicle Service Contracts

Our VSC Programs

PDS Vehicle Service Contracts

Unexpected mechanical or electrical failures can happen to your pre-owned vehicle at any time. With the PDS VSC programs, your vehicle's components are covered starting the first day of the vehicle's purchase.

Preferred Dealer Solutions provides two VSC programs for dealers to choose from. Our Vehicle Service Contracts provide coverage for vehicles 20 years old or newer with up to 200,000 Miles at the time of sale.
View Our TVP BrochureView Our UVP Brochure
"Checkout our full brochure to learn about our 3 tiers of coverage."
Kevin Stoll, President PDS

Endurance Parternship

Preferred Dealer Solutions has partnered with Endurance Dealer Services to offer more F&I options to Independent Auto Dealers.

Endurance provides two VSC programs for dealers to choose from. Apex provides coverage to vehicles 15 years or newer with up to 150,000 miles. ValueMax provides coverage to vehicles 20 years or newer with up to 200,000 miles.
Endurance Profit Participation
"We are honored to sell Endurance products to our customers."
Connor Stoll, Account Exec PDS

Get In Touch

We customize programs specific to each dealer’s needs.
"Preferred Dealer Solutions provides you with proven consulting information to make smart and profitable decisions."
Kevin Stoll, President
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